Sunday, September 6, 2015

13 Nutritionist-Approved Packaged Snacks

13 Nutritionist-Approved Packaged Snacks

If you think nutritionists live off of kale, quinoa and grilled chicken, you’re only half right.

13 Nutritionist-Approved Packaged Snacks

Sure, diet experts eat a lot of fresh, healthy fare as you might expect, but dietitians are real people with busy lives and packed schedules just like you. And when they’re on the run or even when they just want to indulge in something slightly sinful, they often turn to packaged food. Shocking, we know especially because many of the foods found in bags and boxes are considering to be health-harming diet saboteurs. (We’re lookin’ at you, Doritos!) But that assumption doesn’t always hold true. Here we reveal what some of the nation’s top diet experts munch on when their tummies start to rumble. Sweet, savory, or crunchy whatever you’re craving, we’ve got you covered with 13 delicious clean eats. Consider this your go-to guide for healthy and satisfying snacking. Scroll down to check out their picks!


Raw Crunch Bars

“So many ‘granola bars’ are filled with tons of sugar, suspect fillers and all around bad ingredients. Raw Crunch Bars on the other hand, are not only filling and delicious but also made with only ingredients you can pronounce! They provide the right amount of nutrients for the perfect on-the-go snack.” — Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition 

Evolution Fresh Essential Greens Juice

“Evolution Fresh Essential Greens Juice is my go-to snack. It's made from cucumber, romaine, lime and parsley. I like my snacks to do double duty, and this juice not only decreases my hunger but also provides a ton of phytonutrients and antioxidants for beautiful, radiant skin. Best of all, they’re available at most Starbucks locations, so I'm never too far from one.” — Dana James MS, CNS, CDN, Founder & Director of Food Coach NYC

Health Warrior Chia Bars

“Health Warrior Chia Bars make for a great small grab-and-go snack. They have about 100 calories each in addition to being low in sugar and high in soluble fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer by slowing digestion and keeping blood sugar in check.” — Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and founder Isabel Smith Nutrition


Emmy's Organics Lemon Ginger Macaroons

“When I need something sweet, Emmy's Organic Macaroons are my go-to. They’re rich and sweet without the added sugar and harsh crash. They come three in a bag, which helps with portion control, and they’re also really filling so you’re satiated with just a small amount.” — Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition

Garden Lite's Carrot Berry and Blueberry Oat Muffins

“I love Garden Lite's Carrot Berry and Blueberry Oat Muffins because they’re so convenient and have a delicious combination of fruits and vegetables in each serving. They’re frozen and can be defrosted quickly at room temperature or in the microwave. Each one contains only 120 calories and has an excellent combination of protein and fiber, which helps to keep you feeling fuller, longer.” — Gina Consalvo, MA, RD, LDN, Pennsylvania-based owner of Eat Well with Gina

Quest Bars High Protein Gluten Free

“More often than not, I like to reward myself with something sweet, especially after a long and stressful work day. Since most baked goods are full of sugar, trans fat and tons of empty calories, I found Quest Bars to be my savior. The double chocolate chunk bar has only 160 calories, a whopping 20 grams of protein and 16 grams of heart-healthy fiber. It may be hard to believe, but if you warm it up in the microwave, it tastes just like a gooey chocolate cookie.” — Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder of Manhattan-based private practice, The NY Nutrition Group


Glenny's Low Fat Soy Crisps

“Although I try to avoid too much processed soy, I enjoy eating Glenny's Soy Crisps from time to time. They’re high in protein and fiber–which helps fill me up–and also satisfy my craving for chips. There are two servings per bag, but the whole thing is only 140 calories so I can feel free to enjoy them all the way to the crumbs at the bottom.” — Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder of Manhattan-based private practice, The NY Nutrition Group

Babybel Light Mini Semisoft Cheeses

“When I know I’m going to be out for awhile, I’ll toss one or two Mini Original Babybel Cheeses in my purse. The protein helps keep me full, plus it helps me meet my three daily recommended servings of dairy.” — Toby Amidor, MS, RD nutrition expert and author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: More Than 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Day

Roasted Chickpeas

“Pulse Roasted Chickpeas are perfect when I’m in the mood for something salty, crunchy and rich in protein but don’t want nuts. They come pre-portioned, so they’re easy to just throw in a bag, or stash in a pocket.” — Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition


Blue Diamond Almonds

“I like to keep Blue Diamond Whole Natural Almonds 100-Calorie Packs on hand so I’m always prepared when hunger strikes. They’re the perfect portion, non-perishable and jam-packed with nutrients and antioxidants that help ward off disease, control blood sugar, lower bad cholesterol and control hunger. Sometimes I’ll mix them with a 100-calorie pack of raisins for a sweet-and-crunchy snack.” — Gina Consalvo, MA, RD, LDN, Pennsylvania-based owner of Eat Well with Gina

Go Raw Sweet Spirulina Sprouted Bites

“Go Raw Sprouted Bites are delicious, crunchy and very satisfying. They’re low in sugar and packed with clean ingredients that give you the energy that you need for the rest of your day. There are several flavors to choose from and each contains superfood ingredients such as Spirulina or flaxseeds.” — Nicole Cormier, RD, LDN, owner of the Massachusetts-based nutrition consulting company Delicious Living Nutrition

Dry Roasted Edamame Premium Black Sea Salt

“Seapoint Farms Dry Roasted Premium Black Edamame is a light and savory snack that has a bit sweeter taste than green soybeans. A ¼-cup serving offers 14 grams of protein and 20 percent of the day’s iron. I keep a bag of it handy in my car.” — Michelle Dudash, RDN, Cordon Bleu-certified chef and author of Clean Eating for Busy Families: Get Meals on the Table in Minutes with Simple and Satisfying Whole-Foods Recipes You and Your Kids Will Love

Bare Organic Fuji Apple Chips

“If you can't get your hands on a fresh apple, Bare Fruit Organic Apple Chips are the next best thing! They’re simply organic apple slices that are baked with nothing more added. Baking the apples intensifies their sweetness, so they’re ideal when a sugar craving strikes! Plus their are only 50 calories in a bag.” — Dana James MS, CNS, CDN, Founder & Director of Food Coach NYC


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