Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days

People all over the world are constantly looking for fast and effective ways to lose weight. Unfortunately, many extremely rapid methods of losing weight involve dieting plans that are hard to follow, very restrictive and even dangerous.

Lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days by drinking water

However, what if it were possible to lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days or less by doing something that’s a healthy habit you should already be following to some extent anyway? Keep reading to find out more.

Lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days

First Thing In The Morning

As soon as you wake up, drink between 10 and 20 ounces of water. It may be helpful to buy a 20-ounce reusable bottle and keep it on your bedside table. When you wake up and see it, you’ll remember to fill it up either all the way or halfway and start sipping.

Before And After Breakfast

Drink between eight and 16 more ounces of water within the next hour, and before you eat anything. If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, your consumption of those beverages will affect how much water you drink, as well.

For every cup of coffee or tea you enjoy, follow it up with between three and eight ounces of water.

Prior To Lunch And Dinner

Before digging into lunch or dinner, use water as an appetizer of sorts. Specifically, drink between eight and 16 ounces of water 20 minutes before your main meals, similarly to how you did after rising and before breakfast.

In The Evening Before Bed

Beginning a couple of hours before bedtime, drink between 10 and 20 ounces more. Do the whole regimen the same way moving forward.

Although it may seem a little tedious to drink so much during the course of the day, you may find it helpful to recognize patterns in the amounts consumed. For example, you drink the same amounts at the start and end of your days, before every meal, and after every cup of coffee or tea.

Why Does This Method Work?

Compared to many other diet plans, this one is relatively simple. It just involves consuming something you probably already have free access to in your home. Supporters of this method say it jumpstarts the brain’s metabolic processes, and causes water to be treated like food.

As soon as you drink that first amount of water in the morning, your brain begins using energy to help your system process the water.

Drinking so much water also relieves the burden on your liver, which is responsible for burning fat and turning it into energy. Drinking enough water is essential for proper kidney function.

When the kidneys are deprived of the fluid they need to thrive, the liver begins to compensate. If liver functioning is reduced, it can’t metabolize fat as quickly.

Although this way of losing weight may have you using the bathroom more than you’d like at first, your body should soon adjust, meaning your bladder can hold more liquid over time.

At least, give it a try for 10 days and see if the scale shows a difference. Unlike many diets, this one does not require costly materials or huge lifestyle changes, making it much easier to follow than most.

(Source: personalgrowth)

See Also : 


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